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John R. Park Debate Hosts County Sheriffs Amendment Debate and Discussion 

On April 10, 2024, the Debate Society facilitated a public debate and panel presentation discussing the Utah Elections of County Sheriffs Amendment. JRP Students Willow Wilson, Adelyn Kobe, Meredith Jenkins, and Brinley Kemp participated in a debate on the topic of whether or not Utah voters vote for or reject the amendment in November 2024. Following the debate, a panel discussion dove further into the themes surrounding the debate and presented voters with additional information, expert opinions, and context for the amendment. Panelists were University of Utah Regents Professor of Political Science Dr. Dave Buhler; assistant professor of Political Science at Utah Valley University, Dr. Zoe Nemerever; Wyoming Deputy City Attorney, Saige Smith; and University of Utah PhD candidate, Andrew Welhouse.

 panel discussion members

During the panel presentation, panelists explained the roles of sheriffs and why understanding this role is critical for voters. They also helped audience members better understand the implications of the amendment. The event was facilitated by Assistant Director and Outreach Coordinator, Averie Vockel. 

Last Updated: 6/22/24