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Debate Society Tables at 2025 High School Regionals

Students of the John R Park Debate Society attended high school regional tournaments in Utah on Saturday, Feb. 22 to host a table with information about the JRP, the University of Utah, and the College of Humanities. JRP students also volunteered their time to judge several rounds of regional competition. While high school students prepared for end of season competition, JRP connections helped to facilitate progress for students in advancing their own argumentation and learning about higher education at the University of Utah.

Fostering connections with the local forensics community is a foundational aspect of the JRP’s mission, as its ethos is centered around success both in and out of competition. The JRP’s dedication to molding the next generation of forensics students is continually shaped through high school outreach initiatives like this one! 

Separate regional tournaments were held for different divisions so the JRP extended to two separate tournaments. At Farmington High School, students Jeremy Parrish, Maria Manousakis, and Walter Bishop spoke to students in region one. At Corner Canyon High School, Aubrie Powers, Juan Boscan, and Adelyn Kobe spoke with regions two and three. Tabling at regionals is an extension of high school outreach efforts by the JRP this competitive season and something students look forward to continuing! 

tabling at regionals(Jeremy Parrish & Walter Bishop, Farmington High School)

Last Updated: 3/17/25